Canopy walking @ FRIM

Long overdue post of our excursion to FRIM.

God knows what possessed me to agree to a trip to the Forest Research Institute Malaysia the day after a late night drinking session, with a mission to seek out and conquer the elusive Canopy Walk.

Upon arriving at FRIM, I was totally impressed by how massive and seemingly well run it was. Guess my childhood memories of a lousy park with no proper toilets served me wrong.

Even their office has adapted the 5S thing.

Sisih, Susun, Sapu, Seragam and Sentiasa Amal. Phew, that’s hard to remember!

At our recent ISO 9001:2008 audit, we discovered the virtue of a 6th ‘S’: Sembunyi! Lolz.

So anyway, we paid the RM5 for the ticket, took a map of the place, and headed towards the direction of the canopy walk.

Aunty Yun and I.


After scrutinizing the map for a couple of minutes, Yun figured out that we would be trekking for a distance of 4.5km in total. WTH! I did not sign up for a long morning walk! I though we were just going to drive right up to the canopy and enjoy the breeze boo.

Grumble grumble grumble. But at least it’s not as bad as Broga Hill.

Yep. Gotta make a big detour cause the path was under renovation sobs so close yet so far.

This is probably what I would look like if I died. Awesome.

Disgustingly shiny centipede.

The treacherous pathway of mossy stones and undergrowth.

Path is sangat steep.
8 (Bugger, stop being such a whiner)

After what seemed like infinity, we arrived at our destination – a tall wooden hut leading to the canopy bridge.

Taking an emo breather first.

And it’s up the hut we go.

Canopy carer lady giving us the low down on what we should and should not do.

In case you’re wondering why they’re standing so far apart, we were instructed to space out to prevent over-straining the planks.

The bridge was made out of super skinny lauyah planks, tied up with string. These are not a few of my favorite things =(

Massive scary! So high up leh!

Yep. We ended up ditching the spacing-out advice.

Midway platform.

Seeing the shoddy architecture did nothing to calm my nerves.

You could leave a suggestion, provided you had the forethought of bringing along your own paper and pen wtf.

Soon enough, we were back on the ground and my quivering knees came to a halt.

Although I think my head was still spinning a little on the way down, causing me to take a spill on the rocks.

Brain: Step on that stone!
Foot: Missed.

Damn, and I was wearing all white.

Sei lala had to pin up his fringe cause he couldn’t see where he was heading.

Had a cooling splash in the waterfall, when a bee decided to get rather attached to the sei lala, forcing us to make a hasty retreat.

After the trek back to the car, we made a pitstop at a stall selling drinks to replenish and rehydrate wtf. And then we realized we were starving, so we headed off for a nice lunch.

This is super yums after a hard 4.5km mountain trek!

Did I enjoy the trip? I guess.

Would I do it again? Doubt so.